
Friday, 30 September 2011

Quiz 15 | General Knowledge for IBPS – Part 5

Q1: Who among the following is known as the guardian of the Public Purse in India?

1. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India

2. The President

3. The Minister of Finance

4. The parliament

Answer: 1


Q2: Biological Oxygen demand (BOD) is used as a standard measure of

1. Oxygen level in forest System

2. Oxygen level in animals

3. Oxygen level in water system

4. Oxygen level in atmosphere

Answer: 3


Q3: Which of the following Crops is of Kharif Season?

1. Soyabean

2. Linseed

3. lentil

4. Mustard

Answer: 1


Q4: Fruit most suitable for making jelly is

1. Papaya

2. Karunda

3. Mango

4. Banana

Answer: 3


Q5: Who was the first chief Justice of Supreme court of Calcutta?

1. Hyde

2. Elijah Impey

3. Lemaistre

4. Monson

Answer: 2


Q6: By which of the following Acts were the Commercial Rights of East India Company Abolished?

1. Regulating Act of 1773

2. Charter Act of 1813

3. Charter Act of 1833

4. Charter Act of 1853

Answer: 3


Q7: Who Was the founder of All India Muslim League?

1. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

2. Nawab Saleem Ullah Khan

3. Liyaqat Ali Khan

4. Mohammad Ali Jinnah

Answer: 2


Q8: Vishakhapatnam Steel Plant obtains its iron ore from the mines of

1. Bababudan

2. Bailadila

3. Dalli-Rajhra


Answer: 1


Q9: The First Finance Commission was constituted in the year

1. 1956

2. 1953

3. 1952

4. 1951

Answer: 4


Q10: Which one of the following Settlements comprised Zamindar as middleman to collect the land revenue?

1. Mahalwari Settlement

2. Ryotwari Settlement

3. Permanent Settlement

4. None of the above

Answer: 3

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